Hello, hola, bonjour !

I use the technologies at my disposal to create beautiful and efficient websites.

About me

I am an IT Engineer with a lot of passion for learning new skills, currently learning about Full Stack Web Development.

I have gained experience in the remote development world creating webpages with HTML/SASS and Ruby on Rails, learned about testing with Rspec and developed more experience on Git using GitFlow.

Always eager to be updated and learn how to use the newest technologies in the market.

An entrepreneur by heart and geek on a day to day basis :)

Feel free to contact me if you think that I would be a great addition to your team!

Languages and Frameworks

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, Python, Ruby,
Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React & Redux, SQL.


Rspec, Capybara, Rubocop, Devise, Factory bot, Omniauth, Heroku.
This is me - IT worker


Front-end development

I apply Front-end webpages with Bootstrap, SCSS, React & Redux toolkit, among others.

Back-end development

I use Back-end technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Database architecture and Javascript to create performing websites.

Full-stack web development

I utilize the aforementioned technologies in combination with powerful testing with Rspec to use test driven development.

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My work

I have worked on multiple projects so I have picked only the latest for you.


Dream Funding

Fund your selfish dreams, made with Ruby on Rails!

This is the dream-funding Capstone project where users are able to donate to selfish causes from other users. The idea is based on GoFundMe but with a little twist. I was required to create a grouping system to showcase my Rails skills in this final project.

Its intended to only work on mobile view!

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Social Media

Mutual friendships social network made with Ruby on Rails!

Social media project. The goal of this project was to learn about mutual friendships and how to do them in a database and code with rails.

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Newsweek clone

News webpage made with Bootstrap!

The goal of this project was to learn about Bootstrap and to apply it to create 3 different web views to clone the Newsweek site.

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Visit Chihuahua

Monument finder for Chihuahua City made with Bootstrap!

The goal of this project was to apply all the previous knowledge learned like the box model, flex-boxes, grids, media queries and bootstrap while also being provided a real webpage requirement by a fictional client

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Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe console game in Ruby!

We wrote our own version of one of the most iconic (and played) games in history: tic-tac-toe.

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CSS Linter

CSS code linter in Ruby!

The goal of this project was to create a linter for CSS files and return error messages that indicate what linting errors and where are they located.

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Re-doing some Enumerable methods from Ruby!

The goal of this project was to duplicate some Enumerable class methods in order to learn about how to create methods inside classes.

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A catalogue of recipes made with a food API and React & Redux!

This is the Flavour Bomb Capstone project, a catalogue of recipes where users are able to navigate different recipes from a public API. Testing done with React testing library and app deployment done to Netlify.

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